CBD Is Getting Popular In Australia!


Australia has become a big advocate of cannabis recently. In September of 2019, the Australian Capital Territory, legalized recreational use of marijuana. The new law allows people in the capital city, Canberra, along with other areas of this territory, to posses up to 50 grams of dried marijuana. It allows people to cultivate two marijuana plants from home and a total of four if there are two or more adults in the household. In 2016, Australia legalized marijuana for medical use. A survey that same year showed that a third of Australian citizens over 14 have at least tried marijuana.


If you are not familiar, CBD (cannabidiol) is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in the flower of hemp and in some strains of marijuana.  This means that the user does not feel “high” but more of an overall relaxation. It has all types of uses, whether that is for sleep, anxiety, depression, pain or seizures. Some people just take it for their overall well-being.


There are many CBD products on the market that are derived from hemp and do not have any THC. Hemp and Marijuana are both categories of cannabis, but hemp is cannabis that contains less than .3% of THC. There are no psychoactive effects from consuming the hemp flower. Many Australians that are hesitant about trying marijuana, decide that they want to give CBD a try. You can buy CBD products in many forms. There are tinctures, which are taken sublingually (under the tongue). Then there’s softgel capsules that are swallowed like a pill. Some people like edibles such as gummies. Others like to smoke it. Just like marijuana products, you can make CBD extracts. Some people like to smoke or vaporize a CBD isolate that has some flavoring, or “dabbing” some CBD shatter that contains no THC!


In Australia, there is already hemp being cultivated in Tasmania.  Since it is so new, most of the products purchased in Australia are coming from the United States market. The technology in the United States is unmatched at this time. There is hemp being cultivated in almost every state. There are also advanced laboratories that are processing the hemp in ways that international companies can‘t compete with. Labs in the United States are focused on nano emulsion technology. Aside from extracting the CBD, they are also breaking down the molecules 100 of times smaller than it occurs naturally. This allows the CBD product to have a higher bioavailability which means a higher absorption rate. Since the molecule size is so small, it is absorbed faster and at a higher rate, into the consumer’s blood stream. This is what allows for such an elite product. At this time, this is the sole reason why consumers outside of the United States are buying CBD products from the United States. Your money goes a lot farther, in terms of a better CBD product.


This is also the reason why many Australian companies are importing their raw materials from the United States. There are many companies that buy bulk CBD extracts from different countries that have larger production. They then make their products with these materials, like CBD isolate or ZERO-THC CBD distillate. With these products, you can make all kinds of CBD items.


It is great to see Australia starting to participate in this emerging market. It is important that the citizens are educated so they understand what they are consuming. They need to know the difference between a CBD product and a THC product. They need to know that CBD will not make you feel high like THC does. It will give you a feeling of relaxation and can act as a remedy to many ailments.


Australia, and other international consumers, also need to be aware of understanding what a safe product is. They must be given a Certificate of Analysis (COA). This is a test that shows what cannabinoids are in the product and it also tests for things like heavy metals, pesticides and residual solvents. Stuff that you DO NOT want in your CBD product or body. If you are purchasing CBD online or in a store, please make sure you a COA is easily assessable. 


Best of luck to you all! I hope you find a company that puts their patient’s interest before their own. This industry should be about educating and benefitting from this wonderful plant!




Cadena, Aaron. “Hemp vs Marijuana: The Difference Explained (2019 Update).” Medium, CBD Origin, 15 May 2019, https://medium.com/cbd-origin/hemp-vs-marijuana-the-difference-explained-a837c51aa8f7.


Kwai, Isabella. “In a First for Australia, the Capital Legalizes Recreational Marijuana.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 25 Sept. 2019, https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/25/world/australia/marijuana-cannabis-recreational-legal.html.


“The Legal Status of CBD Oil in Australia.” Australian CBD Oils, 2019, https://australiancbdoils.com/laws/.