Study Shows CBD Has Been Found To Reduce Heroin and Other Opioids Cravings, Potentially One of The key Factors In Combating The Opioid Crisis

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Over hundreds of years people have used cannabis as a natural remedy, a plant containing a wide range of medically active constituents of many applications. Today, this versatile plant has been broken down and studied by many scientists whom believe in the medical properties that the cannabis plant has to offer.


A new study reported by the American Journal of Psychiatry, found that patients whom were treated with Cannabidiol (CBD) reported lower cravings for heroin or other opioids, compared to patients who were given a placebo or no treatment at all. 


This gives hope in combating the ever growing opioid crisis, as states and public health experts scramble to minimize the damage being done to public health.


Over-subscription of opioids in money driven systems allowed this epidemic to grow exponentially. Without legislation these systems will remain in place with no checks, or balances. 


With new laws being passed, more studies being done, and with more information becoming public. It allows everyday people like ourselves to dictate what may be right for them. 


CNN: Study Finds CBD Effective In Treating Heroin Addiction


"The intense craving is what drives the drug use," said Yasmin Hurd, the lead researcher on the study and director of the Addiction Institute of Mount Sinai. "If we can have the medications that can dampen that [craving], that can greatly reduce the chance of relapse and overdose risk."– Nadia Kounang


The Hill: Study Finds CBD Can Help Treat Opioid Addiction


"This is an extremely significant paper. We need to utilize every possible treatment in helping people with chronic pain to find other ways to manage their symptoms and in people with opiate addiction to find relief," Dr. Julie Holland, a psychiatrist and former New York University professor, told the network.– John Bowden


-      Kounang, Nadia. “Study Finds CBD Effective In Treating Heroin Addiction.” CNN.


-      “Study Finds CBD Can Help Dampen Cravings For Opioids, Potentially Adding Weapon In Fight Against Crisis.” Kaiser Health News.


-      Bowden, John. “Study Finds CBD Can Help Treat Opioid Addiction.” The Hill.