How Does CBD Oil Work?

How Does CBD Oil Work?

Its incredibly hard to choose a hemp company that you can trust to uphold the same quality all throughout your healing journey with CBD and other important cannabinoids. Legal hemp has allowed people to receive the amount of relief and all the medicinal properties of the cannabis plant without any psychoactive effects.

CBD Is Getting Popular In Australia!

CBD Is Getting Popular In Australia!

Australia has become a big advocate of cannabis recently. In September of 2019, the Australian Capital Territory, legalized recreational use of marijuana. The new law allows people in the capital city, Canberra, along with other areas of this territory, to posses up to 50 grams of dried marijuana.

What Is CBD Isolate?

What Is CBD Isolate?

CBD isolate is made from hemp, specifically the flower. It is a white, powdery substance that contains pure CBD. When the plants reach maturity, they undergo extraction processes to separate the different compounds and CBD is one of them. CBD is isolated from the other cannabinoids, resulting in a final product of 99.9% CBD. The THC is removed from the plant, along with waxes, chlorophyll, terpenes and any other flavonoids that occur naturally in the plant.

Study Shows CBD Has Been Found To Reduce Heroin and Other Opioids Cravings, Potentially One of The key Factors In Combating The Opioid Crisis

Study Shows CBD Has Been Found To Reduce Heroin and Other Opioids Cravings, Potentially One of The key Factors In Combating The Opioid Crisis

A new study reported by the American Journal of Psychiatry, found that patients whom were treated with Cannabidiol (CBD) reported lower cravings for heroin or other opioids, compared to patients who were given a placebo or no treatment at all. 

Top 15 Things You Didn’t Know About CBD Oil for Dogs

Top 15 Things You Didn’t Know About CBD Oil for Dogs

Researchers are finally beginning to consider this Herb for medicinal purposes. Just like in humans, our pets are finally able to reap the same beneficial properties from the hemp plant and improve their overall health with a natural remedy.